Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month | Celebrando el mes de la Herencia Hispana

Written by Monica Flores, Youth Program Manager

Hispanic Heritage Month is a month-long celebration spanning from September 15th to October 15th that acknowledges and celebrates the history and culture of Hispanic communities in the U.S. Initially a one week celebration, Hispanic Heritage month stands to commemorate the influence and contributions of the Hispanic communities on American society. During this month, Hispanic and Latinx communities are celebrated across the country through community events, festivals, art shows and so much more.


At New Friends New Life, we are proud of serving women and girls of all ethnicities and backgrounds. We take pride in knowing that our diverse staff strives to create a safe environment for our members to heal and thrive because members see someone who looks like them.

As the Youth Program Manager, I find it essential to create a space in our Youth Resource Center (YRC) where our girls feel seen and heard. A space where they can come in as who they are without judgment or criticism. In the YRC, over a third of the girls we serve identify as Hispanic. Therefore, it is important to create a space where they feel represented. Many of the Hispanic families we serve often face barriers to receive the support and services they need. Barriers such as language, lack of advocacy, transportation and most importantly the stigmas regarding mental health. At NFNL, we do our best to break down those stigmas and decrease those barriers through case management and trauma informed counseling. However, to create a long term, sustainable impact we as a community need to work together to minimize these obstacles and create opportunities for Hispanic communities.

So, my challenge to you during one of the most celebrated months of the year is to advocate for the communities that too often were limited in advocating for themselves. Learn more about key events and figures of the Hispanic community and most importantly, take time to celebrate and honor these communities that provide so much for their own people, and the greater community as a whole.


Here at NFNL, we will be celebrating Hispanic Heritage month by hosting a dinner for our members consisting of different Hispanic foods as well as playing a traditional fun game of Mexican loteria. Additionally, both the YRC and ARC have been decorated with educational information about key figures in the Hispanic/Latinx community for members to read during their free time.


As a Mexican American woman, I feel proud to be able to represent my Mexican culture through all walks of life. We as a community need to give our girls, and all girls across the country, the opportunity to feel the same way about who they are-- proud, valued and loved.