Taking the Lead on Learning

Written by Marie LeBlanc, Education Specialist.


            My journey into the field of education was unplanned. After earning a degree in the biological sciences and being accepted into medical school, I pivoted in the 11th hour to teaching middle school students…and found unexpected joy.

  After years as a K-12 educator and administrator, I transitioned into adult and higher education as a director and professor. This afforded me the opportunity to continue to experience professional growth and to challenge the status quo as it pertains to serving learners from very heterogeneous backgrounds. Thus, the excitement around developing and implementing an education division at New Friends New Life was easily ignited. From my initial conversation during the recruitment process to my first days onsite, the “fit” grew more obvious and affirming.

       What was unexpected, however, was the immediate and profound impact surrounding my work with the beautiful women who comprise our member population. I was prepared to deal with a “suspicion” of what myself as a newcomer would bring to the table; I was also prepared to “do battle” with the ghosts and shadows of adversities with past traditional schooling. Instead, I was met with excitement, warmth, and gratitude…all wrapped in determination and hope.


       Our learners endeavor to show up two to three times weekly to challenge themselves in the disciplines of math, science, language arts, and social studies. They readily recognize their opportunities for growth and hold each other accountable. There may be the occasional frustration within, but they self-redirect quickly and verbally announce to their peers a resounding, “…but I’m gonna do it because I want it…and Miss Marie won’t let us fail.”

       So how have I felt about my first 45 days at NFNL? Some may assume that challenges with a new implementation bring on feelings of burden and exhaustion; my chosen word is privilege. I’m humbled to be a part of this organization and only hope that I continue to serve all who are eager to learn in a way that diminishes doubt and exceeds expectation.